Agus Tjandra As Overseas eCommerce Speaker In Singapore

Agus Tjandra As Overseas eCommerce Speaker In Singapore

  • Friday, Jun 29, 2018
  • by admin, 1231 Views

Leverage the Mobile Channel to Drive Your Customers to the Point of Sale, with increased user engagement, building greater trust in your brand promise and gaining greater profitability with increased spend. Join e-Retailers, Brands, Merchants and key players in E-Commerce, Mobile-Commerce, Mobile Payments, Mobile Appd and Mobile VAS services providers in this exciting event. Listen to successful strategies to deliver growth in a competitive marketplace!

In taking e-commerce to the next level, where mobile commerce is the game changer, the stakes are high and so your development of the right strategy to leverage this new platform is crucial, while making the right and smart decisions along the way. Consumers are showing major shifts in search and buying behaviour with more willingness to buy online and on the move, the fact of which is fundamental drivers for retailers to jump onto this bandwagon fast & furious.

Be an early adopter and seize the opportunity to drive billions of dollars through your mobile channel. This event will showcase what the successful retailers and brands are doing with their strategy and technology approaches. Featuring CASE STUDIES and Keynote Panel discussions to address priority issues and assess key opportunities in expanding into new markets and maximizing on existing markets!

What could be the next big thing in mobile e-commerce?

“Anything that could trigger instant and impulse decisions. Auctions, pre-ordering, eTicketing, Daily Deals and Group buys will be big things of Mobile Commerce…”

Agus Tjandra, CEO,      

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